zondag 28 augustus 2011
The Dream Funding Concept - See What the Crowd Has to Offer
Crowd funding, crowd financing, crowd sourced capital, or street performer protocol, describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money and other resources together, usually via the internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.
A few months ago I informally applied for an associate role at ABN AMRO's Crowd Funding desk. ABN AMRO is the first bank to recognize this somewhat unknown concept of raising funds as a new way to start up businesses. Most people get the idea when they are told that disaster relief uses this way of financing since ever. Crowd funding occurs for any other variety of purposes, from abovementioned disaster relief to citizen journalism to artists seeking support from fans, to political campaigns, to funding a startup company or small business or creating free software.
Because banks are rather hesitant these days, especially when they're going over business plans of lesser known concepts, to be-entrepreneurs seek alternative ways of funding their start ups. Microfinance, venture capital, a wealthy uncle, etc. There are of course pros and cons to every form of finance. So too with trying to get your business up and running with crowd funding. How can you get your message across to your potential 'crowd'? Will you have enough time to get that message across? Enough info to go on for hours. For now, read up:
ABN AMRO's initiative (via Dialogues Incubator): Seeds
Simply briliant: Kickstarter
For the Dutchies: crowdfunding.nl
dinsdag 28 juni 2011
The Dream City Hotel - Holland's Finest
Save for the Waldorf Astoria, Ritz or one of the impeccable Four Seasons' addresses, Hotel Des Indes stands out as the best city hotel the Netherlands have to offer. Well, in my opinion of course.
Situated on 'Europe's most beautiful avenue', Hotel Des Indes is a haven of luxury in the hart of The Hague. The yellow façade of this five star deluxe retreat embraces you even before you enter.
My wife and I spent an enchanting day and magical night here to celebrate our fifth anniversary. A swift check in followed by some complimentary Pouilly Fumés (for me) and lemon verbena tea (from Thieme's Echte Thee) on the narrow but stylish terrace overlooking the Lange Voorhout, kicked off our stay at the Des Indes.
The most attentative service (in any case alien to Holland), impeccable interiors and exteriors on a dream location in the Royal City equals sheer bliss!
donderdag 9 juni 2011
The Dream Workout - Hula Hoops
Not long ago, my lovely wife was browsing the web for a decent hula hoop. "A thorough but fun workout", she read somewehere and decided to immediately look for a shop in Amsterdam. Hard to find I must say. She later checked out some sites but left it at that.
Yesterday though, I accidentally passed by a shop on one of the outskirts of Amsterdam selling professional hula hoops and bought one for her.
In the evening she gave it a first and within minutes she got the hang of it. Even with her current physique (which is quite fit), the next day every inch of her upper body was sore, which is a good thing I guess. But next video will keep her focussed (or so she told me): Lisa Lottie Hula Hoops. I will post an update whenever she's ready to shoot a short movie ;-).
woensdag 1 juni 2011
The Dream Folding Knife - An Original Laguiole
A knife like no other.
Now I have to admit that the romantic story of (I think it was) Mart Smeets - a well known Dutch sports presentor - ending up on a meadow in France during the Tour de France, left me curious. His car broke down and some farmers approached him and asked if they could be of any assistance. When it was lunchtime they invited him to share a meal with them on one of the fields nearby. A long table was set out by the women and they all got seated. What immediately struck him as strange was the fact that only forks were handed out to the men. The women got both forks and knives. Right after the cutlery was handed out, all the men pulled out their own Laguiole knives, which they used for basically any purpose imaginable, as one of the younger farmers explained to him later.
The Laguiole knife, an 19th century juxtapose between the Spanish Navaja knife and the Capuchadou (from the Aubrac region), since conquered the world with it's sleek and sexy lines. My next Laguiole purchase would be a collection of table knives (see above). Whether it be a simple and sober knife, a champagne sabre or a rosewood set corkscrew, you can only but admire the outstanding piece of craftmanship.
zondag 29 mei 2011
The Dream Family Resort - Martinhal, Portugal
As parents of two my wife and I are increasingly focused on family resorts in Europe for our next vacation. Even with plenty of family resorts to choose from (like ClubMed and other 'labels'), finding a destination that fits most of our demands, just isn't that easy. Some months ago I found a story on Martinhal in the weekend's copy of the FT, highlighting the advantages of the newly built resort on one of the outskirts of Europe.
With a variety of accomodations to choose from, services tailored to every possible sort of guest (like complimentary pampers or professional daycare) and breathtaking surroundings, I guess Martinhal is exactly what we've been looking for and we should start saving up...for next year!

donderdag 19 mei 2011
The Dream Pre-School Bike - Early Rider
Early Rider® is a British company based in Henley. Their approach to design, engineering and safety is utterly without compromise and it’s what sets them apart. They produce fantastic pre school bikes that take a fun, systematic and safe approach to teaching young children to ride.
I found them on coolhunting.com and immediately had to have one for Cost Center #3: Felippe (picture right). Turned two a month ago, it would suit him just fine so I ordered one for his birthday. I couldn't have been more jealous when the box containing the semifinished bike arrived. High quality materials, mouth-watering design and a straight A for safety. I still have to get a helmet for him though, even if that's not standard procedure in the Netherlands; nobody wears helmets here when cycling!
woensdag 18 mei 2011
The Dream Dress Label - Oh la La Dress
My wife came home yesterday evening with a dress by upcoming Dutch label La Dress. As usual when having bought something to complement her wardrobe, she was smiling. She had a private shopping date at the label's HQ with a friend of hers. It basically came down to fitting dresses without the high street, Saturday afternoon bustle. A few wines and canapés later, she ended up buying this crepe de chine, silk baby doll.
It seems they have an almost unlimited variety of styles and colours to choose from.
Good Lord, she found a new fetish...again! Come to think of it, in La Dress' case (commercially one of the best labels with ditto website so far in women's apparel), they probably found my wife first.
In above picture she's wearing her Helmut Lang slippers (note the rather unusual juxtapose: a crocodile strap in front playfully combined with a rubber band back sling).
donderdag 12 mei 2011
The Dream Tuna Salad - Don't Forget Ortiz

Summer is just around the corner. Spending lazy days in the park or on the beach (is that even possible with kids?) is always something to look forward to. Trying new (beach)restaurants for lunch or going all out preparing good food and drinks at home and taking it to a park or beach. A simple Caesar salad or tuna salad on the beach complemented by a crisp wine can easily equal an unforgettable lunch experience at some uptown restaurant (which we always enjoy).
We have some sort of 'simple' signature salad we tend to make more often than not:
Lettuce, fried chestnut mushrooms, slices of freshly peeled tomatoes, grated Parmigiano cheese, croutons (dices of fresh white bread fried in aioli), a fine chopped onion, slow cooked eggs (75 min @ 64°C), crispy bacon, and most importantly: Ortiz tuna - the best canned tuna in the world! Sprinkle some vinaigrette and lemon juice before serving.
vrijdag 6 mei 2011
The Dream Table Lamp - Pipistrello to you too
I'm a sucker for Jugendstil or Art Nouveau. The floral and organic forms typical to this this form of new art combined with an artisanal approach is simply mouth-watering to me.
I first fell in love with this art form when joining the oldest student fraternity in Utrecht. At the end of the 19th century the fraternity chose August Heinrich Zinsmeister's design for their new 'home', eventually being built in 1900. Main style was similar to the Berlage's work with hints of Jugendstil.
From that day on I'm a (still) growing fan everything of the 'Amsterdam School' , Jugendstil, Art Nouveau, Art deco and Bauhaus.
On one of my first walks with our English Bulldog in the green surroundings of Hilversum, where my in-laws live, I passed a stunning Bauhaus-styled villa and immediately noticed two out-of-this-world table lamps sitting on the windowsill of their living room. Since then , one of my nonnegotiable demands is to add two copies to our collection when we move into a new apartment in Amsterdam. Simply gorgeous!
I first fell in love with this art form when joining the oldest student fraternity in Utrecht. At the end of the 19th century the fraternity chose August Heinrich Zinsmeister's design for their new 'home', eventually being built in 1900. Main style was similar to the Berlage's work with hints of Jugendstil.
From that day on I'm a (still) growing fan everything of the 'Amsterdam School' , Jugendstil, Art Nouveau, Art deco and Bauhaus.
On one of my first walks with our English Bulldog in the green surroundings of Hilversum, where my in-laws live, I passed a stunning Bauhaus-styled villa and immediately noticed two out-of-this-world table lamps sitting on the windowsill of their living room. Since then , one of my nonnegotiable demands is to add two copies to our collection when we move into a new apartment in Amsterdam. Simply gorgeous!
dinsdag 26 april 2011
The Dream BBQ - Big Green Egg
Last Saturday my wife and I had dinner with a good friend of mine at the impeccable Lambermon's, Haarlem. He had moved to Haarlem a few months ago and was really anxious to visit the newly relocated restaurant. At the start of dinner it was a perfect Spring evening so we began outside and moved in when it got chillier. We left the kids with their grandparents in Zandvoort (a coastal town a few kilometers away) so we could enjoy our company of just three.
Lambermon's boasts a perfect setting just off the river Spaarne. The address on the Korte Veer is where the well known Dutch retailer Vroom en Dreesman began setting up shop as a haberdasher. The restaurant offers perfect al fresco dining with a Big Green Egg positioned outside in front of the entrance as sort of a centerpiece. Now I had read about the famous bbq/smoker on coolhunting.com before but our friend Post (who had been a chef at several uptown restaurants) was totally ecstatic and had to have one. He explained certain features and decided to get one as soon as his bank account would approve.
- Cooks at temperatures up to 750°F (400°C).
- Easy to start (up and running in approximately 10 minutes).
- Easy clean up: the heat burns off any grease build-up - like a self-cleaning oven.
- Safer to use: the ceramic surface doesn't get as hot as a metal cooker.
- Baking, grilling and smoking in one.
- Lifetime guarantee.
donderdag 21 april 2011
The Dream Umbrella - Solid Ash Crook Fox Umbrellas
"Makers of the world's finest umbrellas"
I have a bad habit: I loose umbrellas. The last one was a Solid Ash Crook Fox Umbrella. Exactly like the one featured above.
My theory was to everytime buy a more expensive one so that I was keen on not forgetting the precious piece of art. It didn't help. I can't even bring up the subject at home because frankly, my wife has a point. In a few months (during summer) I'll begin massaging in the topic again, hoping she forgot how many I left behind in metros, busses, trains, on top of my own car, etc. There is a huge problem though: SHE doesn't forget anything!
maandag 11 april 2011
The Dream Coffee Book - MaRio de Janeiro
Mario Testino is one of the world's most successful fashion and portrait photographers, whose images are noted for their freshness and intimacy. Peruvian by birth, Testino has been fascinated by Rio de Janeiro since his earliest summer vacations.
I've just ordered a copy of this masterpiece, however, I can't seem to fathom why this work isn't available in a hard copy version. It could as well be that I just haven't found it yet.
Except for the fact that it's only available in paperback, to me this is everything a coffee table book should bring to the table. Interesting eye candy. Wiki: a coffee table book is a hardcover book that is intended to sit on a coffee table or similar surface in an area where guests sit and are entertained, thus inspiring conversation or alleviating boredom.
From Taschen, GBP 27,99 (ISBN: 978-3-8365-1858-1).
zondag 3 april 2011
The Dream Ad - Heineken goes Guerilla
Heineken's Champions League - Guerilla Ad
zaterdag 26 maart 2011
The Dream Dinner - Christmas, the way it should be
The Master Himself
donderdag 17 maart 2011
The Dream Ring - The Tiffany Setting
"The Tiffany [Setting] engagement ring is the ring by which all other rings are measured."
Yes, I am a big Tiffany's fan. I proposed to my wife some five years ago. To mask my intentions we went to Paris as a Valentine treat and stayed at the overly romantic Relais Christine. I had reserved a ring at Tiffany's flagship store on Rue de la Paix. Because my wife-to-be at the time wasn't supposed to know the real reason for our visit to the store I arranged to meet the store manager that day to 'pick up a pair of silver collar stays'. After a hilarious half hour (my almost fiancee kept following me until another sales representative gave her a guided tour) I walked out of the shop with a big lump in my jacket's ticket pocket. She didn't notice a thing.
After dinner I proposed on the banks near Pont Neuf. Very cliché, as the two other men (both in front of their better halves and on their knees some fifty meters upstream) will echo.
maandag 14 maart 2011
The Dream Gift - Small Gesture
Personal to give, special to receive, easy to make and fun to use.
I've actually just purchased my first flickbook via Bobbooks.co.uk (the picture featured here is an example from their site). Really great product. Make sure you upload a high quality movie (with a minimum length of 5 and maximum of 12 seconds). And, as I experienced, try to make a slightly brighter film because my flickbook turned out a little darker than expected.
I uploaded a movie where my two brats jump out of the bathtub and start waiving (at their imaginary grandfather or whoever we're going to give a copy) like mad men.My father actually started examining the pages one by one at first, having the faintest clue what the fun in that was.
woensdag 9 maart 2011
The Dream Gym - Technogym's Kinesis Personal
Kinesis Personal is the ultimate in designer furnishing for home fitness or wellness spaces. That's the description Technogym likes to use to define a range of fitness furnishings for professional use or for your personal home gym. "200 exercises in 1 square meter": The most all-round piece of equipment for home fitness or for use in dedicated personal wellbeing areas. I think its simply stunning.
Club West just down the road also uses Technogym equipment which I find easy and fun to use. I won't lie that besides their perfect location I also chose Club West because they mainly use Technogym equipment.
dinsdag 8 maart 2011
The Dream Sofa - Roche Bobois meets Missoni
This collaboration with Missoni Home results in what I think is a perfect combination of powers.
You can combine the different elements to meet the demands of the space they're placed in.
Furthermore, the 'low' seating is ideal for families with small children. Every now and then my youngest of almost 2 years old likes to throw himself off the sofa that now occupies our living room - head first in case you were wondering. There are no sharp edges and the covers come off quite easily.

At the moment we're renting a three bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Amsterdam and plan to move back the our old neighbourhood (Old West) and buy a property there. We're still deciding on what goes best in our new home: a new modular sofa combination or a vintage Chesterfield with two armchairs like above right.
maandag 7 maart 2011
The Dream Dress - Missoni Maxi Dress
I have a thing with women's clothing. This does not so much include wearing pieces myself as it is to have my wife move in a certain style-direction. Apart from the fact that I think I have a much more refined taste when it comes to picking the most stunning pieces for my better half, I think it also shows a great deal of interest in what I like to call Her Biggest Hobby. In the end, if you ask me, she still needs direction (haha).
The next on my list to buy her is the Missoni Camargue lurex-knit maxi dress. Like featured above, the Missoni version of the 'sun dress' is just one example of Margherita's ravishing vision. A perfect piece to wear on hot summer evenings.
Shown here with Jimmy Choo shoes, Oscar de la Renta bracelet, Shay Todd bikini and Balenciaga sunglasses.
zaterdag 5 maart 2011
The Dream Daybed - Gandia Blasco
I have a reason for posting this picture. It reminds me to put together an evening to remember at the beach with two good friends of mine and their better halves.
When in Holland, my parents spend a small part of each summer at their three bedroom home in coastal town Zandvoort. Leaving the rest of the year to us when we need it. Its close proximity to Amsterdam makes it an ideal getaway on hot and humid evenings in the city.
One of the two guys and his girlfriend have been inviting us to their home every now and then for an evening well spent with good food, drinks and most important: good company. We need to do something back. The other is an excellent cook, having worked at renowned restaurants throughout the country, which comes in handy on the planned evening. After helping him move between apartments a few times I told him he could reciprocate by showing some magic this summer. He gladly accepted.
Because he's partly responsible for my interest in the food section when entertaining people, I convinced him to work with me on a mindblowing menu and execution.

The Dream Dinner Table - Very Joli
Luna dinner table by Belgian outdoor furniture design firm Joli. It doesn't matter so much if you're living in the city or somewhere more tranquil. I guess this setting would complement any venue or ocassion. As seen on theoutdoorstylist.com.
The Dream Chandelier - Giogali Composition
The Giogali Composition, by Italian design firm Vistosi (1967).
Angelo Mangiarotti's Giogali 'chandelier of all chandeliers'. Composed of handmade crystal elements which can be combined as desired on standard steel structures or on structures specifically designed for the client. Above example priced close to a whopping USD 60k I imagine that when, not if, I'll be able to afford this dream chandelier I know I've reached a certain milestone.
Angelo Mangiarotti's Giogali 'chandelier of all chandeliers'. Composed of handmade crystal elements which can be combined as desired on standard steel structures or on structures specifically designed for the client. Above example priced close to a whopping USD 60k I imagine that when, not if, I'll be able to afford this dream chandelier I know I've reached a certain milestone.
The Dream Picture - David LaChapelle's Last Supper
Apart from actually wanting to own this masterpiece I plan to eternalize my fraternity 'posse' by shooting the perfect above-inspired picture of us. Word goes Brasil could be the destination for our next luster trip so I've made some arrangements for a stunning location. As a last second surprise to all gentle men in the room I'll swap the Man About for a stunning Carioca. Only after the men strike their preplanned pose.
Where Shall I Begin Please Your Majesty?
I started 'collecting' on Evernote but found a blog a slightly more pleasant way to read back. For I am a junkie for all things beautiful.
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