donderdag 12 mei 2011

The Dream Tuna Salad - Don't Forget Ortiz

Best of the Best: Ortiz Tuna

Summer is just around the corner. Spending lazy days in the park or on the beach (is that even possible with kids?) is always something to look forward to. Trying new (beach)restaurants for lunch or going all out preparing good food and drinks at home and taking it to a park or beach. A simple Caesar salad or tuna salad on the beach complemented by a crisp wine can easily equal an unforgettable lunch experience at some uptown restaurant (which we always enjoy).

We have some sort of 'simple' signature salad we tend to make more often than not:
Lettuce, fried chestnut mushrooms, slices of freshly peeled tomatoes, grated Parmigiano cheese, croutons (dices of fresh white bread fried in aioli), a fine chopped onion, slow cooked eggs (75 min @ 64°C), crispy bacon, and most importantly: Ortiz tuna - the best canned tuna in the world! Sprinkle some vinaigrette and lemon juice before serving.

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